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Episode 170 - Angelic Help For Your Animal Companions

Tom T Moore introduces us to our ability to use The Most Benevolent Outcome from his The Gentle Way series with our pets. He shares intimate and inspiring stories from people around the world and how they have used The Gentle Way modality to receive guidance in finding a new or lost pet, and even reducing the stress and worry of caring for a sick pet. He guides us to receive angelic help for our animal companions. Tom explains the concept of group souls for animals like dogs, cats, and even cockroaches. He shares his insights on how these pets, seen as soul fragments, often come back in multiple lifetimes to be with their human companions, and how they can help us here on Earth and we can love them back.

Tom T. Moore

Tom T. Moore is an award winning author, speaker, and is in the entertainment business, where for over 40 years he has been president and CEO of his own international motion picture and TV program distribution business, based in Plano, Texas. During this time, he has traveled extensively as part of his business duties to international film markets held in Cannes, Milan, Los Angeles, and Budapest. He is the author of six books: The Gentle Way: A Self-help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels, The Gentle Way II: The Story Continues, The Gentle Way III: Master your life, The Gentle Way With Pets: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions, First Contact: Conversations With An ET, and Atlantis and Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed Light Technology Visit his website at Gentle Way books provide a simple, yet powerful tool for everyday use that is a giant step forward from The Law of Attraction, and include hundreds of stories sent to Mr. Moore from all over the world, from people living The Gentle Way. Tom was voted Best Self Help Author for three straight years by the readers of a health magazine. He has utilized the Gentle Way in both his professional and personal life. Tom is a telepath which has allowed him, in a meditative state, to provide detailed information about extraterrestrials, Earths history, and the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria in his book and speaking engagements.

"If you are like most people, you consider your pets members of your family" is a sentiment at the heart of Tom T. Moore's insightful book. He offers unique suggestions on reducing stress during crises with pets, sharing inspiring stories from around the world about the Gentle Way modality. Readers will find practical guidance for finding lost pets and caring for sick ones, supported by the comforting idea of angelic and universal assistance. Moore's book highlights how requesting most benevolent outcomes can bring about remarkable solutions and a deeper connection with one's pets. This book is both a comforting guide and a source of hope for pet owners.



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Tel: (303) 871-8530

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